Impossible Unity

This past Sunday, pastor Tim preached his way through Ephesians 4:1-16, a passage saturated with unity. We have just turned a corner in our study through the book of Ephesians - from what God has done, to what we now do in response. The Apostle Paul reminds the church in Ephesus of our calling to pursue unity. And this calling is just as true for the local church today as it was back in Ephesus.

Why does unity in the local church often feel impossible? Is unity an unrealistic expectation, or something confined to fantasy? Questions like these can often prompt tears and great agony. Disunity in local churches can lead to splits, member departures, and loud cries to God in response to this deep pain we feel.

Disunity in the local church that we know and love - between Christians we know and love - is an unfortunate reality we all sadly know too well.

Impossible Unity is Possible with Christ

Frequently this is not a disunity produced by disagreements over primary Christian doctrines. This is a far more common kind of disunity fueled by the endless variety of conflicts that break apart relationships, and even whole churches, because Christians fail to humbly, gently, and patiently “bear with one another in love” and cease being “eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace” (Ephesians 4:1–3).

You can listen to Pastor Tim’s sermon on unity from Ephesians 4:1-16

Perhaps you are lamenting the fact that you’ve seen too much of this, and you wonder, sometimes with tears, “Why is unity in the church so difficult?”

The truth is, apart from Christ, unity is impossible. Unity is something, by the Spirit of truth, we are equipped to pursue our whole lives. And we need the grace of Jesus to sustain us to the end. Unity is not something we give up on because it is hard, rather its something we pursue and maintain for the glory of Jesus and our good.


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