Know, And Be Known

Come know and be known. A local church is where you know your pastors, and your pastors know you. One relational mark of our Chief Shepherd, Jesus, was that his sheep not only knew his voice but that their shepherd knew them. We expect nothing less for our local church, than to follow the model of Jesus.

My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.

John 10:27

The local church is a place where men and women know one another, exhort one another, care for one another, and love one another. Many of the commands given throughout Scripture are nearly impossible to fulfill if we simply do not know one another. So we make it our ambition to know and be known.

Come Know and Be Known

The local church: A place where your pastors are more than just a voice you hear from a distant stage. A place where you can call or text your pastors at any hour. A place where you can share meals in member’s homes and engage in life-changing living room discussions. A place were everyone knows your name. A place to know Christ and to be known by Him.


School of Theology


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