Together Is Better

The church is like a body with many members. Membership in the local church is the logical implication of membership in the global Church, which comes only through faith in Jesus Christ, publicly demonstrated through baptism. Our lives are connected. We need one another. Church membership is our way of ensuring everyone who belongs to our congregation enjoys the benefits and privileges of being Grace Hill Church.

Sunday, February 9th - 12-2pm

If you’re a member of Grace Hill Church, we want you to save the date for our next member meeting, to be held on Sunday, February 9th from 12-2pm. Come ready to hear some important updates, highlight God’s grace as we see Him at work, and affirm a few initiatives.

Souper Bowl

Please bring along a soup and/or salad to share as we will plan to eat lunch together during our meeting. Thanks for making your church family a priority!


Generous Giving


Pray Our Way Into ‘25